Former head of Mobile Applications and Software Development in Orange Labs Cairo
Mohamed Ragab
Head of Technology, and an Agile Development Coach in Orange Labs Cairo
State of affairs
Agile development methodologies
From the trenches
Wrapping up
Show of hands
How do you relate yourself to software development?
Show of hands
What is your Agile software development experience?
Started adoption
Tried it, and it didn't work
Show of hands
What is your current role in Agile software development?
Product Owner
Scrum Master
Not remotely related!
State of affairs
in the young industry of software
The Standish Group Report
"chaos report"
The scope of software project failures.
The major factors that cause software projects to fail.
The key ingredients that can reduce project failures.
Report: shows (1995)
31.1% of projects will be cancelled before they ever get completed
52.7% of projects will cost 189% of their original estimates
The lost opportunity costs are not measurable, but could easily be in the trillions of dollars
The failure to produce reliable software to handle baggage at the new Denver airport is costing the city $1.1 million per day.
report: projects' resolutions (2013)
Report: Factors of Success
(20) Executive management support
(15) User involvement
(15) Optimization
(13) Skilled resources
(12) Project management expertise
(10) Agile process
(6) Clear business objectives
(5) Emotional maturity
(3) Execution
(1) Tools and infrastructure
Report: features usage
20% of features are used often
30% of features and functions get used sometimes or infrequently
50% of features are hardly ever or never used.
the Bottleneck in software development
“Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen”
by: Edward V. Berard
Learning is the Bottleneck
What is the goal?
“Build the right thing, right”
How do we know what "the right thing" is?
Build it twice? ... too expensive
Build one small piece at a time, and learn
Iterate, and get feedback
Software is like ...
a manufacturing process
building construction
no it's not
Software is like ...
product design process
that's more like it
late project ..
What to do?
“adding manpower to a late software project makes it later”
Fred Brooks in his book The Mythical Man-Month1975
Agile development methodologies
Lean software development (LSD)
A translation of lean manufacturing and lean IT principles and practices
Adapted from the Toyota Production System
Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit, by Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck, 2003
Lean software development
Lean principles
Eliminate waste
Amplify learning
Decide as late as possible
Deliver as fast as possible
Empower the team
Build integrity in
See the whole
Extreme Programming (xp)
A software-development discipline that organizes people to produce higher-quality software more productively
Extreme Programming Explained, by Kent Beck, 1999
XP Practices ..
Pair programming
Planning game
Test-driven development
Continuous integration
Small releases
Coding standard
Collective code ownership
Simple design
Sustainable pace
XP Feedback Cycles ..
Agile Manifesto (2001)
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
Agile Manifesto Principles
Early and continuous delivery of valuable software
Welcome changing requirements
Deliver working software frequently
Business people and developers must work together
Build projects around motivated individuals
Face-to-face conversation
Agile Manifesto Principles
Working software is the primary measure of progress
Sustainable development, maintain a constant pace indefinitely
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
Simplicity, maximizing the amount of work not done
The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams
At regular intervals: reflect, then tune and adjust accordingly
In 1995, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber jointly presented a paper describing the Scrum methodology at OOPSLA '95
In 2001, Schwaber worked with Mike Beedle to describe the method in the book Agile Software Development with Scrum
Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for managing product development
Scrum adopts an empirical approach—accepting that the problem cannot be fully understood or defined, focusing instead on maximizing the team's ability to deliver quickly and respond to emerging requirements
Roles: Product Owner, Development Team, Scrum Master
Relative Sizing: Story points, using a rounded Fibonacci sequence
Kanban is a method for managing knowledge work with an emphasis on just-in-time delivery while not overloading the team members
Map your current process
Define the start and end points for the Kanban system
Agree on initial work in progress (WIP) limits
Agree on a process for prioritising and selecting items
Agree on frequency of reviews
Draw the board and start using
Tune as you go
from the trenches
Identify your pains
Understand the main components of your organization
Identify your goals
Then put your strategy for the adoption process
management and engineering practice
Cost and Cycle time
We are either writing new code, or modifying existing code
As a software system grows in size: how does this affect maintenance cost and cycle time?
Technical dept due to: taking shortcuts, learning, changing requirements
Refactoring is: improving the design of existing code, without changing its behaviour
But, how can we be sure the behaviour doesn't change?
Test the entire system after any refactoring .. cost & time
Do the developers test the code before handing it to the testers?
Why do the developers hand the code to the testers?
Is there any duplication?
How big is the feedback cycle?
Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months
How does the development scale over time?
How does this affect the cycle time?
Cost of maintaining a software system
Automated Testing
We are in the business of automating stuff
Input > Process > Output
To test a Process
Control Input
Compare actual Output against expected
Testing framework
Test Driven Development (TDD)
Red > Green > Refactor
TDD Practices
Start from a Red test
Don't stay Red more than 5 minutes
A test should be simple, doesn't need a test to test the test
Treat the test code as first class citizen: readability, maintainability, code reviews
Trust the tests
Testing is just sampling
TDD Practices
Don't write redundant tests
A full test run should not take more than 5 minutes
Separate unit tests from integration tests (fast and slow)
Unit Tests: fast, run in memory, repeatable (no randomness, no external dependencies)
Integration Tests: slow, integrate with external dependencies
If a test is failing, one should not work on anything else other than fixing it
Day to day workflow
Run tests
Green?: add a new feature (red, green, refactor)
Checkin a working product increment with all tests green
TDD is a design tool
Behaviour driven development
Runnable software specification
Specification with concrete examples
Engage the Product Owner, the Tester, and the Developer(s)
Can be used in a discussion with the customer
A number of supporting software frameworks
BDD: Gherkin language
Scenario: Some determinable business situation
Given some precondition
And some other precondition
When some action by the actor
And some other action
And yet another action
Then some testable outcome is achieved
And something else we can check happens too
Continuous integration
A build server
Build jobs are triggered upon any code modification in version control
Runs the unit tests, integration tests, and BDD scenarios
Runs the code through static analysis tools
Provides feedback on the stability of the software after each build
Culture eats strategy for lunch, but pain helps
Is it leadership culture or Command and control culture
Customer driven organization
The barriers are in our minds, we change only if we try.
Openness, willingness to listen to new ideas even if it contradicts with your experience and expertise
Agile sounds weird, really!! well give it a try
Then Mindset and the people
People will be in three categories
Believers, choose your horses
Non-believers, success by example, bring more to your side
Not convinced but can give it a try, help them to experiment and join
Self organized team
It is a joy, but it is not for free: more liability
Self discipline
Eliminating waste
Detect week signals, and act on them , the Frog will be broiled when you heat the water gradually.
Agile development does not create the problem, it just makes it more visible
Obligation and Blame - Finger pointing culture
Taking ownership
Giving-up control
I am the technical lead, I always know how to do it better
I am the manager, I love the command and control style, and I don't know any other way
If you do not trust your team, agile is not for you
Are they working enough?!
How can we measure their productivity?!
Can another team finish it is less time?!
Win together
Single players versus team players
One evaluation, share success and absorb the failure
Team Structure
Cross functional teams
Pick your scrum master
Pick your product owner
Deal with
Project mangers: you can be a maker, no longer management overhead
Team leads: you can be great scrum master, lead by example, use soft power
Agile development without engineering practices is a dead end
How to evolve your design, and code
Refactoring is not a debt
Develop for customer, build thin vertical slices, not easy to do
Agile contracts
Customers are not interested, why?
Minimal valuable product
Applying agile development, even if it is a fixed contract
Engage the customer
Who moved my cheese
Can you stretch your comfort zone
Incremental change, small but sustainable
self-organizing teams
Start with one team, you need to plant the first tree, be realistic
Team competence
Engineering practices
Work on conflict while applying the change
Remove obstacles
Keep trying
Invest time and means to achieve your targets
69% of the fuel is used while Rocket is in take off phase
Wrapping up
there is no silver bullet ..
There will be failures, use them well
Make things visible
There will be successes, use them well
Agile development exposes the issues that are already there
Can you handle the feedback
there is no silver bullet ..
We succeed together, or we fail together
If you don't trust your team, Agile is not for you